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About New Visionz the Company​:


 George Ogoe

 Owner of New Visionz Ent.

Visual Director-Photographer



Jennifer Acheampong 

Professional Designer

Ghana's Own, Jennifer is more than capable of making customized merchandise of any style.

Send your inquiry and designs now

Emmanuel Ntimoah

Production Manager

Emmanuel is dedicated to the culture and the rich tradition of our products. He assures each product is authentic in its making to the packaging.

Send your inquiry and designs now

Daniel Ogoe


Daniel has been a great contributor to making sure you get what you need in a timely manner. He also specializes in creating bundles and gifts. Send your inquiry and designs now


NV Enterprise inspires to create & work beyond the cultural boundaries.  Established in June 2015, we aim high to produce the best throughout our Enterprise. From photography, video production, and event services, we combine style and versatility to reach the ultimate goal. Through the years we have opened a deluxe online store where we link our message with our cultural products. Due to the interest of our growing store we now sponsor our items as part of vendor events.  By making sure our work stands out from our competitors, we are able to present the most affordable rates to our customers. We build of ideas to motivate for Success! 


-Do you have a business you would like to promote? Contact us and we can schedule a promo.

-Also refer our website for instant discount.


Thanks for submitting!

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